Monday, December 29, 2008

Medical Eponyms Letter P

288. Paget’s disease of bone is osteitis deformans - characterized by initial osteolytic stage followed by a mixed osteoclastic-osteoblastic stage - which ends with osteoblastic activity and evolves into a burnt-out osteosclerotic stage; increased alkaline phosphatase and increased urine hydroxyproline.
289. Paget’s disease of breast is breast cancer involving nipple and areola - appears as eczematous rash over breast with crusting - scaling - or erosion.
290. Paget’s disease of vulva is intraepithelial adenocarcinoma - less than 1% of all vulva malignancies.
291. Pancoast’s tumor is apical lung cancers in the superior pulmonary sulcus which invade neural structures around the trachea - including the cervical sympathetic plexus - leading to severe pain in distribution of the ulnar nerve and Horner’s syndrome on same side of the lesion.
292. PANDAS is Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal infections. Consists of tics - movement disorders - emotional-lability - and obsessive-compulsive behavior associated with streptococcal infection. Caused by IgG antibodies which recognize group A streptococcal cell wall proteins as well as neuronal cytoplasmic antigens of the basal ganglia. Related to Sydenham's chorea.
293. Paneth cells is in small intestine crypts - cells with apically oriented bright eosinophilic granules and which appear to play a role in the mucosal immune system.
294. Parinaud’s oculoglandular syndrome is preauricular node enlargement associated with chronic granulomatous conjunctivitis; atypical form of cat scratch disease from inoculation near eye.
295. Parinaud’s syndrome is dorsal midbrain syndrome with supranuclear vertical gaze disorder from damage to posterior commissure with loss of upgaze - convergence-retraction nystagmus - downward ocular deviation - lid retraction - due to hydrocephalus from aqueductal stenosis - pineal region tumors.
296. Parkland formula is total body surface area % burned x kg x 4; 1/2 in first 8 hours - second 1/2 given next 16 hours.
297. Parkland formula is total body surface area % burned x kg x 4; 1/2 in first 8 hours - second 1/2 given next 16 hours.
298. Pautrier’s microabcesses is q.v. Sézary-Lutzner cells.
299. Pendred’s syndrome is autosomal recessive goiter and congenital sensorineural deafness from mutation in pendrin - a transport protein that affects organification of thyroglobulin; also malformations of cochlea and hypothyroidism (40%); pendrin involved in transport of chloride and iodide.
300. Pfeiffer syndrome is craniosynostoses as well as limb defects - mutations in FGFR1 - broad thumbs - broad great toes.
301. Pick bodies is in neurons - cytoplasmic - round to oval - filamentous inclusions that strongly stain with silver - weakly eosinophilic; composed of neurofilaments - vesiculated endoplasmic reticulum - and paired helical filaments that are immunocytochemically similar to those found in Alzheimer’s; don’t survive death of host neuron like they do in Alzheimer’s.
302. Pickwickian syndrome is obesity hypoventilation syndrome defined by extreme obesity and alveolar hypoventilation during wakefulness - characterized by hypersomnolence - dyspnea - hypoxemia (cyanosis - polycythemia - and plethora) - and pulmonary hypertension leading to RV failure and edema; based upon Charles Dickens’ book “The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club” and the character Joe who was a “wonderfully fat boy - standing upright with his eyes closed”.
303. Pink disease is acrodynia - occurs from exposure to high concentrations of mercury vapor - characterized by a body rash - swelling and irritation of palms and feet followed by skin desquamation - irritability - photophobia - fever - insomnia and profuse sweating - which may also follow oral exposure to mercury compounds.
304. POEMS syndrome is polyneuropathy - organomegaly - endocrinopahty - M protein - and skin changes which may be seen in plasma cell dyscrasias; also known as Crow-Fukase syndrome in Japan.
305. Poiseuille’s law is flow proportional to fourth power of radius - inversely proportional to length.
306. Pott’s disease is tuberculous involvement of the spine; occurs in about 2% of TB cases.
307. Potter’s sequence is from oligohydramnios (from e.g. renal agenesis - amniotic leak) leading to amnion nodosum - fetal compression which leads to pulmonary hypoplasia - altered facies - positioning defects of feet - hands - and breech presentation.
308. Prader-Willi syndrome is deletion of 15q11-q13 - paternally derived; uncontrollable hyperphagia after 12 months.
309. Prehn's sign is elevation of painful testicle decreases pain of epididymitis.
310. Preiser disease is spontaneous - non-traumatic osteonecrosis of the scaphoid bone.
311. Pringle maneuver is clamping of porta hepatis to control hemorrhage.
312. Pulfrich phenomenon is misperception of trajectory of moving objects (an optical illusion that can be elicited in normal subjects) - can be associated with optic neuritis.

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