Monday, December 29, 2008

Medical Eponyms Letter F

77. Factor V Leiden is Arg(506)->Gln - results in resistance to cleavage by activated protein C (an anticoagulant) - found in 20% of patients with venous thromboembolism - 6% of U.S. population.
78. Fanconi’s syndrome is generalized dysfunction of proximal renal tubule leading to glycosuria - hyperphosphaturia - hypophasphatemia - aminoaciduria - and systemic acidosis; may be associated with out-dated tetracyclines.
79. Farmer’s lung is hypersensitivity pneumonitis from exposure to antigens of microorganisms which colonize equipment used in farming - including from moldy hay - grain - silage (e.g. thermophilic actinomycetes - fungus such as Aspergillus umbrosus).
80. Fay sign is in carotid arteritis - pressure along the carotid causing pain to spread in distal branches of external carotid to jaw - ear - and temple.
81. Felty’s syndrome is rheumatoid arthritis - splenomegaly - and neutropenia - and leg ulcers; associated with HLA-DR.
82. Fetor hepaticus is “musty” or “sweet odor” from the formation of mercaptans by the action of GI bacteria on the sulfur-containing amino acid Methionine and shunting of splanchnic blood from the portal into the system circulation (portosystemic shunting).
83. Finkelstein’s test is in de Quervain’s tenosynovitis - dorsal thumb pain when the wrist is deviated in an ulnar fashion and the thumb is flexed across the palm.
84. Flatbush diabetes is GAD antibody negative diabetes in adult black subjects with diabetic ketoacidosis and increased frequency of human leukocyte antigen DR3 and DR4.
85. Fletcher factor is prekallikrein; in intrinsic phase of coagulation - converts XII to XIIa; deficiency results in elevated PTT but with no clinical bleeding.
86. Floating water lily sign is seen in x-ray of hydatid cyst of liver.
87. Flower vase pattern of the pelvis in an intravenous urogram is seen in - horse shoe kidney.
88. Fontan procedure is for treating tricuspid atresia - pulmonary atresia - or hypoplastic left heart syndrome - procedure developed in 1968 whereby IVC is connected to pulmonary artery; long term complications include arrhythmias and protein losing enteropathy because of edema in liver and small bowel.
89. Football sign refers to a large oval radiolucency in the shape of an American football, which is seen on supine abdominal X-ray films. The football sign is most frequently seen in infants with spontaneous or iatrogenic gastric perforation causing pneumoperitoneum.
90. Forrester classification is in myocardial infarction - I - PWP<18>2.2 L/min/m2 - 2% mort; II - PWP>18 and CI>2.2 - 10% mort; III - CI<2.2>18 and CI<2.2>
91. Forscheimer spots is in rubella - punctate soft palate macules.
92. Forscheimer spots is in rubella - punctate soft palate macules.
93. Fox sign is seen in acute pancreatitis .Fox's sign is in hemorrhagic pancreatitis - ecchymosis of the inguinal ligament due to blood tracking from the retroperitoneum and collecting at the inguinal ligament.
94. Frank’s sign is earlobe crease - associated with CAD (N Engl J Med. 1973;289:327-8).
95. Free nerve endings includes Merkel cell associated: found in the epidermis as small aggregates called tactile corpuscles (Merkel cell has neural crest and squamous properties); encapsulated includes Meissner’s: asymmetrical - lamellated; Pacinian: symmetrical - lamellated; Ruffini: no lamellation.
96. Froin’s syndrome is spinal block from tumor or inflammatory conditions - etc. causing increased protein in CSF - resulting in xanthochromia and increased coagulability in CSF.
97. Froment’s sign is diagnosis of ulnar nerve lesion; caused by flexor pollicus longus (median nerve) which comes into action when the patient attempts to grip a flat object between the thumb and the hand - and causes flexion at the interphalangeal joint.

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