Monday, December 29, 2008

Medical Eponyms Letter G

98. Gamekeeper’s thumb is injury to ulnar collateral ligament of the thumb.
99. Gerhardt’s sign is in aortic regurgitation - pulsation of the spleen in the presence of splenomegaly; also Sailer’s sign.
100. Gerstmann syndrome is finger agnosia - agraphia - right-left disorientation - and dyscalculia.
101. Gerstmann syndrome is finger agnosia - agraphia - right-left disorientation - and dyscalculia.
102. Ghon lesion is primary area of tuberculosis infection.
103. Gianotti-Crosti syndrome is reactive exanthem - first described in association with hepatitis B infection (papular acrodermatitis of childhood - papular eruption on face and limbs); also associated with EBV - CMV infection.
104. Gianotti-Crosti syndrome is reactive exanthem - first described in association with hepatitis B infection (papular acrodermatitis of childhood - papular eruption on face and limbs); also associated with EBV - CMV infection.
105. Gibbon's hernia - hernia with hydrocele .
106. Gilbert’s syndrome is with the exception of hemolytic anemias - most common cause of mild unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia from mild decrease glucoronyltransferase activity - responds to phenobarbital - affects up to 7% of population.
107. Glauber’s salt is sodium sulfate - laxative.
108. Gleason score is prostate cancers stratified into 5 grades on basis of glandular patterns and degree of differentiation; grade 1 most differentiated and grade 5 no glandular differentiation; primary score and secondary score (for second most common histology) added together for score; therefore most differentiated tumor score of 2.
109. Goldenhar syndrome is syndrome of oculoauriculovertebral dysplasia characterized by unilateral deformity of the external ear and small ipsilateral half of the face with epibulbar lipodermoid and vertebral anomalies; autosomal dominant.
110. Golf hole ureter - seen in tuberculosis of the ureter.
111. Goodell's sign is an indication of pregnancy. It is a significant softening of the vaginal portion of the cervix.
112. Goodsall's rule is applied to the examination of anal fistula. It states that if the fistula lies in the anterior half of the anal area then it opens directly into the anal canal, while if a fistula lies in the posterior half of the canal then it tracks around the anus laterally and opens into the midline posteriorly.
113. Gordon’s maneuver is extensor plant response by squeezing the calf muscle suggesting upper motor neuron defect.
114. Gorham-Stout disease is vanishing or disappearing bone disease; IL-6 has pathogenetic role.
115. Gorlin-Goltz syndrome is focal dermal hypoplasia characterzied by widespread lesions of dermal hypoplsia with herniation of adipose tissue - streaks of pigmentary disturbance following lines of Blaschko - and severe absence deformities of bone - mental retardation - defects of optic nerve.
116. Gower’s maneuver is Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy - patient using hands to help himself get up.
117. Grafenberg spot is erogenous area in anterior vaginal wall ( also called G SPOT ).
118. Graham-Little syndrome is end-stage lichen planus of the scalp resulting in scarring alopecia of the scalp.
119. Guaiac test - used to test for occult blood in stool.
120. Guam disease is Guam amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-parkinsonism-dementia linked to a plant excitant neurotoxin found in cycad plant eaten by Chamorro people - toxin believed to be excitotoxin β-N-methylamino-L-alanine - a low-potency convulsant Science 1987;237:517-22.
121. Gunther’s disease is AR congenital erythropoietic porphyria from decreased URO synthase activity - hemolytic anemia - cutaneous lesions.
122. Guthrie test is for diagnosis of PKU - a bacterial assay for phenylalanine using Bacillus subtilis.

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