Monday, December 29, 2008

Medical Eponyms Letter T

386. Takayasu’s disease is aortic arch syndrome - pulseless disease; panartertis of the great vessels that’s most common in Asian women.
387. Tamm-Horsfall protein is uromodulin - major component of renal casts; 30-50 mg secreted per day by cells in thick ascending limb; homologous to GP2 - a protein secreted from the acinar cell and a major component of plugs in noncalcific chronic pancreatitis.
388. Tangier disease is rare recessive disease characterized by enlarged orange tonsils - peripheral neuropathy affecting small fibers involved in pain and temperature - and a near-complete absence of HDL-cholesterol; ABC1 - the ATP binding-cassette transporter 1 gene - mutated in Tagier disease; gene mediates efflux of cholesterol from cells; named after Small Island in Chesapeake Bay where disease first identified in five-year-old boy.
389. Tarlov cyst is perineural cyst found in the lower spinal cord.
390. The Mentzer index is used to differentiate iron deficiency anemia from beta thalassemia. It is calculated from the results of a complete blood count. If the quotient of the mean corpuscular volume divided by the red blood cell count is less than 13, thalassemia is more likely. If the result is greater than 14, then iron-deficiency anemia is more likely.
391. Thompson's test is verifies if gastroc-soleus complex intact; squeeze calf belly - foot should plantar flex.
392. Thomsen’s disease is myotonia congenita - autosomal dominant.
393. Thorel’s pathway is posterior internodal tract in atrial conduction system.
394. Tinel's sign is a way to detect irritated nerves. It is performed by lightly tapping (percussing) over the nerve to elicit a sensation of tingling or "pins and needles" in the distribution of the nerve. For example, in carpal tunnel syndrome where median nerve is compressed at the wrist, Tinel's sign is often "positive" causing tingling in the thumb, index, and middle finger. Tinel's sign is sometimes referred to as "distal tingling on percussion" or DTP.
395. Toldt - white lines of is the peritoneal reflections of the ascending and descending colon.
396. Tolosa-Hunt syndrome is idiopathic inflammation of the cavernous sinus producing painful palsy of third - fourth - or sixth cranial nerve.
397. Tourette’s syndrome is chronic multiple motor and verbal tics - symptoms typically begin before 21 y.o. - first signs motor tics in 80% and vocal tics in 20% but eventually both motor and vocal; higher than expected number of left-handedness and ambidexterity; 40-50% involve self-mutilation such as nail-biting - hair-pulling - etc.
398. TRALI syndrome is Transfusion Related Acute Lung Injury; transfusion reaction occurring within 6 hours after transfusion of blood product - characterized by pulmonary edema; due to anti-granulocyte antibodies in donor’s plasma causing pulmonary sequestration of recipient leukocytes in susceptible patient.
399. Treacher Collins syndrome is first arch syndrome - mandibulofacial dysplasia - caused by autosomal dominant gene - resulting in malar hypoplasia with down-slanting palpebral fissures - defects in the lower eyelids - deformed external ears - and sometimes abnormalities of the middle and internal ears.
400. Trendelenburg position is position where angle of the head of bed or table is inclined at 45 degrees down; used in surgery to push the abdominal organs towards the chest.
401. Trendelenburg position is position where angle of the head of bed or table is inclined at 45 degrees down; used in surgery to push the abdominal organs towards the chest.
402. Trendelenburg’s gait is waddling gait in people with weakness or paresis of gluteal muscles; seen in progressive muscular dystrophy.
403. Trietz - ligament of is the suspensory muscle of the duodenum which supports the duodenojejunal flexure.
404. Turner’s syndrome is females with XO - short - low-set ears - shield chest - congenital heart defect (usually coarctation) - café-au-lait spots - freckles - webbed neck - lymphedema.

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