Monday, December 29, 2008

Medical Eponyms Letter M

229. MacCallum’s plaques is irregular thickenings - usually in the left atrium - from subendocardial lesions - usually exacerbated by regurgitant jets.
230. MacConkey medium is medium for growing nonfastidious Gram-negative rods.
231. Maddrey discriminant function is for predicting mortality in patients with alcoholic hepatitis - Maddrey DF = 4.6 x (PT-control PT) + serum bilirubin; DF > 32 associated with high short-term mortality - 1 month mort 35% in absence of encephalopathy and 45% if encephalopathy present.
232. Maffucci’s syndrome is enchondromatosis associated with soft tissue hemangiomas; associated with ovarian carcinomas and brain gliomas; essentially Ollier’s disease with hemangiomas.
233. Magendie - foramen of, is median foramen exiting out of fourth ventricle.
234. Mallory body is “alcoholic hyalin -” an eosinophilic intracytoplasmic inclusion in liver cells that is characteristic of alcoholic liver disease but seen in many other conditions as well (e.g. - primary biliary cirrhosis - Wilson’s disease - chronic cholestatic syndromes - focal nodular hyperplasia - and hepatocellular carcinoma); inclusions composed largely of intermediate filaments of prekeratin.
235. Marie’s sign is fine tremor in hyperthyroidism.
236. Marie-Strümpell disease refers to ankylosing spondylitis in Europe. Bechterew’s Disease the same.
237. Marjolin's ulcer is squamous cell carcinoma ulceration overlying chronic osteomyelitis or burn scar.
238. Markesbery distal myopathy is distal myopathy associated with rimmed vacuoles.
239. Maroni sign is erythema of the skin overlying thyroid in hyperthyroidism.
240. Marshall - vein of is oblique vein of left atrium.
241. Marshall-Smith syndrome is accelerated skeletal maturation - failure to thrive - and dysmorphic facial features with death in early infancy or childhood from pulmonary infections.
242. Martin-Lewis agar is variant of chocolate agar medium for growing Neisseria.
243. Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome is absence of vagina from abnormality of müllerian development.
244. Mayo - veins of is vein overlying pylorus
245. May-Thurner syndrome is iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis from impaired venous return because of compression of the left common iliac vein by overlying right common iliac artery.
246. Mazzotti reaction is reaction to proteins released by dying onchocerca - including fevers - rashes - ocular damage - joint and muscle pain - and lymphangitis as well as hypotension - pyrexia - respiratory distress - and prostration.
247. McConnell’s sign is in acute pulmonary embolism - distinct regional pattern of RV dysfunction - with akinesia of the mid-free wall but normal motion at the apex - 77% sensitive - 94% specific for PE.
248. McDonald’s sign is uterine corpus and cervix can be easily flexed on each other due to Hegar’s sign.
249. McLeod phenotype is occurs from the absence of the Kx red blood cell antigen; characterized by acanthocytes; compensated hemolytic anemia; decreased Kell system antigens; increased CKMM isoenzymes; and progressive neurologic changes including areflexia - choreiform movements - dysarthria - wasting of muscles - and cardiomyopathy; may be associated with X-linked chronic granulomatous disease.
250. McMurray test is for diagnosing meniscal tear - passively flex hip and knee until heel touches buttock - steady the knee with one hand - externally rotate foot - then extend the knee to 90 degrees - return to the beginning and then internally rotate the foot - then passively extend the knee to 90 degrees - feeling for clicks - PPV 83% for tears.
251. Meissner’s plexus is submucous plexus; innervates glandular epithelium - muscularis mucosa - intestinal endocrine cells - and submucosal blood vessels.
252. MELAS is mitochondrial encephalopathy with Lactic Acidosis and Stroke-like episodes - onset in childhood - stroke-like episodes with hemiparesis - hemianopia - or cortical blindness; full expression of the disease leads to death often before age 20; 80-90% have point mutation in leucine tRNA in mtDNA.
253. Mibelli - porokeratosis of is classic porokeratosis - localized - chronically progressive - hyperkeratotic - irregular plaques with central atrophy and prominent peripheral keratotic ridge; characterized pathologically by presence of cornoid lamella.
254. Milkman’s fractures is in osteomalacia - radiolucent narrow lines that lie either at right angles or obliquely to the cortical outlines of bones and often transect them; bilateral and symmetric - found at the axillary margins of the scapula - lower ribs - neck of femur - and posterior regions of the proximal ulnas; related either to stress fractures or to mechanical erosion by penetrating nutrient arteries; aka Looser’s zones.
255. Millard-Gubler syndrome is ventral pontine injury causing symptoms similar to Fouville’s syndrome except lateral rectus weakness only - instead of gaze palsy.
256. Miller Fisher syndrome is variant of Guillain-Barré where cranial nerves are affected - leading to triad of ataxia - areflexia and ophthalmoplegia; cross-reacting antibodies to GQ1b ganglioside have been found; triggered by certain strains of C. jejuni.
257. Miller Fisher test is in normal pressure hydrocephalus - objective gait assessment before and after 30 cc CSF removed reflecting prognosis for shunting.
258. Möbius syndrome is congenital facial paralysis with or without limb defects associated with maternal misoprostol use.
259. Möbius’s sign is in Graves’s ophthalmopathy - failure of ocular convergence following close accommodation at a distance of 5 inches.
260. Modigliani syndrome is thyroid in normal position but people with long curving necks enhance prominence and palpation of thyroid.
261. Monod’s sign is in aspergillomas - radiolucent crescent seen around solitary 3-5 cm lesion on chest X-ray.
262. Monro-Kellie doctrine is cranial cavity is a closed rigid box - change in the amount of intracranial blood can occur only through changes in CSF quanitity.
263. Monteggia fracture is fracture of the proximal third of the ulna with a dislocation of radial head.
264. Montenegro’s Reaction is an intradermal test for Leishmaniasis using Leishmanin.
265. Montgomery - glands of is sebaceous glands of areola.
266. Moore's classification - classification of omphalocele ( exampholos).
267. Morgagni - hydatids of, is fallopian tube cysts found near the fimbriated end or in the broad ligaments.
268. Morton’s neuroma is interdigitial palmar neuroma.
269. Mounier-Kuhn syndrome is tracheomegaly - tracheobronchomegaly associated with recurrent pneumonia - copious purulent sputum production - hoarseness - load cough; presents in 30s-40s - more common in males; tracheal lumen increases with Valsalva; autosomal recessive.
270. Moyamoya disease is occlusive disease involving large intracranial arteries - especially the distal ICA and stem of the MCA and ACA; “puff of smoke” (in Japanese - moya moya) appearance on angiography from lenticulostriate arteries developing rich collateral circulation around the middle cerebral occlusion that; anticoagulation risky because of occurrence of SAH from rupture of the transdural anastomotic channels.
271. Muckle-Wells syndrome is syndrome of urticaria - progressive perceptive deafness - and amyloidosis; from mutation in cryopyrin; autosomal dominant; of note familial cold autoinflammatory syndrome - commonly known as familial cold urticaria - characterized by intermittent episodes of rash - arthralgia - fever and conjunctivitis after generalized exposure to cold is also associated with mutations in cryopyrin.
272. Muir-Torre syndrome is patients with hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer (HNPCC) who also develop benign or malignant sebaceous skin tumors (often basal cell or squamous cell).
273. Munchausen’s syndrome is factitious disorder - eponym given by Asher in 1951 after Baron Karl Munchausen (1720-1797) - retired German cavalry officer with a reputation for preposterous stories about his activities as a soldier - hunter.
274. Mustard procedure is for treating transposition of great vessels - now rarely used; an atrial inversion procedure which connects RA to LV - which pumps out to pulmonary arteries - and connects LA to RV - which becomes systemic pump to aorta; variant uses pericardial or prosthetic intraatrial baffles.
275. Myerson's sign is a medical condition where a patient is unable to resist blinking when tapped on the glabella, the area above the nose and between the eyebrows. It is often an early symptom of Parkinson's disease.

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